Latino Festival of Monmouth County (LFOMC)

Founded in 2005, the Latino Festival of Monmouth County (LFOMC) is one of New Jersey’s most popular and influential ambassadors of Latin American culture. The LFOMC annually reaches over 5,000 audience members across the state.
The festival is a celebration of Latin American culture. This event seeks to bring the Latino community into contact with the wider community, and expose the Monmouth County area residents to the rich and diverse Latino culture. Through the arts we foster understanding of the Latino culture among Monmouth county residents and help unite the community-at-large. To foster cultural understanding between members of the community through education and the arts.

  • Date September 17, 2016
  • Time from 12:00 PM
  • Time to 07:00 PM
  • Location New Jersey
  • Listing categories Events
  • Address 1 Main St
    Freehold, NJ 07728

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